Wednesday, March 25, 2009

chilled times in breck!

Hey everyone!

it's been a long time since we wrote something on the blogg now! i't has been some wierd times over her since we last reported something. since I hade knee surgery in feb and Freddy fractured and compressed his back two weeks ago things have been kinda slow and down! The good news right now is that Freddy is geting more mobile, and i'm back 100% on my skiis (peppar peppar).

For the last couple of days it's been dumping over us, and we've gotten around 15" of snow! it's well needed since we've hade spring weahter for several weeks! tomorrow the crew is heading over to Vail to ripp some sick pillow and clifflines! (whis u could be with us Freddy, we miss u on the mountain)

the best thing that has happens besides the snow is that the first TPP merchendise was borne a week ago! behold the TPP sunglasses! Their going to print soon, and then their up for sale!

see you soon! one love!

Monday, March 2, 2009


The railjam was a big success, and I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who participated!

It was a perfect day! Sunny, kinda cold (vikings like cold) and absolutely shredilicous!

Sacke Majander won the grand prize as "ripper of the day" for doing every combo known to mankind (and a few only known by outer-space-people) on the down-flat-downbox. Ronny from Uppsala won "best trick", and Linus from Gävle won "most creative rider" (a hotdog with extra mustard) for dropping in to late and throwing his best tricks after the comp ended (very emo).

Everyone were winners on a day like that though, and I would say that the ever so important "smile to curse"-ratio was well above avarage!! So once again, THANK YOU for having so much fun, and see you again this spring when we will have the next event.

Rasmus and Rob with the hippest trick right now "backside air-guitar"

Linus from Gävle nollie frontflip on the barrell

The crowd looking all "aaaaahh"

Rob Sandgren bs air

Love hurts

Frasmus frontboard

Daniel "Zäta" Zettervall nosepress bs revert

Rob 5-0 fs 3 out

Frasmus looking sober as always

Frasmus (being sober) with a bs nosepress

Tove Holmgren nosepressing trough the kink

Sacke 270

Also a big THANK YOU to Jägermeister, Sibylla, Red Bull and Uppsalaekonomerna for making this happen!