Hey! Since we're concerned about the future we're introducing oversized longboards and shades for the youngest suporters! Or that was not entielry true, i went back to my roots this summer, to Bollnäs, the town i grew up in and wisited my fam and relatives. I brought the longboard home to get around easier and my cousine Sebastian 2,5 years old at the time just felin love with it! So eaven though his tiny legs aint strong or balansed enough for him to stand up on the board we shreded around for a long time. You gotto start early ey! Ofcourse he wore sick TPP shades, allthough he got confused from the ex-ray wision and we're incapable of looking in to the camera he rocked e'm goooood!
untill next time, Keep safe, weare a helmet and stay rad!
Peace and love Pär