TPP Videoblog episode 1 "2 HOURS AT KREML HIGH" from Tiny Penis on Vimeo.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
TPP Videoblog episode 1 "2 HOURS AT KREML HIGH"
Rob and Rasmus at the icerink during a few hours last saturday. Filmed with an old camera we found in the basement and the fisheye held in place with rubberbands (true story) awesomely sunkigt
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Dangerzone halloween!
What did you guys do for halloween? did you buy 80 pumpkins to shred on? Dangerzone did.. heres their vid
Dangerzone Season 2 Episode 2 - "This is Halloween" from Nick Visconti on Vimeo.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
The Chuck Norris of the day
Chuck Norris can create a rock so heavy that even he can't lift it. And then he lifts it anyways, just to show you who the fuck Chuck Norris is
Friday, December 4, 2009
The Chuck Norris of the day
Chuck Norris cannot predict the future; the future just better fucking do what Chuck Norris says
Friday, November 27, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
keeping the young up to date

Hey! Since we're concerned about the future we're introducing oversized longboards and shades for the youngest suporters! Or that was not entielry true, i went back to my roots this summer, to Bollnäs, the town i grew up in and wisited my fam and relatives. I brought the longboard home to get around easier and my cousine Sebastian 2,5 years old at the time just felin love with it! So eaven though his tiny legs aint strong or balansed enough for him to stand up on the board we shreded around for a long time. You gotto start early ey! Ofcourse he wore sick TPP shades, allthough he got confused from the ex-ray wision and we're incapable of looking in to the camera he rocked e'm goooood!
untill next time, Keep safe, weare a helmet and stay rad!
Peace and love Pär
Monday, October 12, 2009
What we´ve done since last time
we have......
...done a little bit of drinking, and started planning for the big TPP-three-day-fiesta at tärnaby 21-23 nov. We want YOU to join, contact us for details.

...bought ourselves a boat with a candy-factory and mini-van inside, and also started the preparations for the new TPP-railpark in Uppsala (true story)

....pimped our ride a bit, and invented a new three-step-liqour-shot that includes bitch-slapping. more info soon..

...found a new place for the TPP-headquarters and X-ray-vision-science-laboratory. We are there right now with the scientists testing next years sunglasses

...been to the fashion show "Stil-09" where the models wore our sunglasses on the catwalk. We normally hate all that stuff, but it was a really fun night and we all got a chance to get hammered together

we have also..
done the seasons first shredding, sponsored a railjam in Linköping (that our buddy and fellow TPP-dude rolf nylinder won! congrats!, more info and pics soon), had a photoshoot in a fish-tank, had surgury on one of our arms (get well soon tove!), and had a birthday
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Warning!! The sun might enlarge your penis!
The late summer sun is here, and it is strong. Researchers at Uppsala University have traced extraordinary high levels of the toxic substance Neonpoopocid in this years late summer sunrays. Neonpoopocid is very dangerous and can cause indigestion and occasionally an enlarged penis. Scientists believe that the results are alarming, but stresses that there are ways to protect yourself.
- The sunglasses from TPP will protect you from the harmful rays of the sun and keep your penis neat and tiny, "says Dr. Michael Bolton at Uppsala University.
The sunglasses are available in two models, the angular, wayfarer inspired "Kompis" and the round "Hombre".
The "Kompis" come in black, white, blue, purple, neon pink and neon green, they are also available in that particular color combination YOU are looking for.
The "Hombre" come in black, green tortoise, red tortoise and brown tortoise.
To order your pair, you only need to send an email to with name, color, and address, we will respond with more info on payment, etc. The price is 190 SEK/NOK- and freight is free in Sweden and Norway, if you buy two pairs or more ( Otherwise, 30SEK/NOK - in Sweden and Norway). For international orders, please contact us. All orders are shipped within 24 hours.
- The sunglasses from TPP will protect you from the harmful rays of the sun and keep your penis neat and tiny, "says Dr. Michael Bolton at Uppsala University.
The sunglasses are available in two models, the angular, wayfarer inspired "Kompis" and the round "Hombre".
The "Kompis" come in black, white, blue, purple, neon pink and neon green, they are also available in that particular color combination YOU are looking for.
The "Hombre" come in black, green tortoise, red tortoise and brown tortoise.
To order your pair, you only need to send an email to with name, color, and address, we will respond with more info on payment, etc. The price is 190 SEK/NOK- and freight is free in Sweden and Norway, if you buy two pairs or more ( Otherwise, 30SEK/NOK - in Sweden and Norway). For international orders, please contact us. All orders are shipped within 24 hours.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Hey everyone!
I hope you all have hade the chance to enjoy all the fluffy white stuff that fell down from the sky this 08/09 season! I know we have, allthough this season has been full of injurys we all pulled trough and now we can look back on a great winter 08/09. Home in Sweden school has ended and summerbreak will soon turn into alot of work to get some cash!
we're happy to say that a new sunglass model is coming out for you guys this month. Pics will be up as soon as we've hade the chance to shoot som photos of e'm!
Right now Pär and Freddy is down in Kristiansand, Norway trying to get back into the normal everyday life;) To hook up with them in Kr-sand is TPP family members Phill Adesso and Down under Matt! We know times will be good down there! And if you dont have any plans for the end of June, Come down to the Quart festival ant party at the Penthouse where Pär, Freddy and Carlos will be bartending!!
We all hope that the start of the summer has been good!
Keep an eye out for the new sunnies!
Stay cool or do hoodrat stuff;)
one love
I hope you all have hade the chance to enjoy all the fluffy white stuff that fell down from the sky this 08/09 season! I know we have, allthough this season has been full of injurys we all pulled trough and now we can look back on a great winter 08/09. Home in Sweden school has ended and summerbreak will soon turn into alot of work to get some cash!
we're happy to say that a new sunglass model is coming out for you guys this month. Pics will be up as soon as we've hade the chance to shoot som photos of e'm!
Right now Pär and Freddy is down in Kristiansand, Norway trying to get back into the normal everyday life;) To hook up with them in Kr-sand is TPP family members Phill Adesso and Down under Matt! We know times will be good down there! And if you dont have any plans for the end of June, Come down to the Quart festival ant party at the Penthouse where Pär, Freddy and Carlos will be bartending!!
We all hope that the start of the summer has been good!
Keep an eye out for the new sunnies!
Stay cool or do hoodrat stuff;)
one love
Saturday, May 30, 2009
And they came from..
Terrible riding, but the soundtrack made it worthwhile.. Nah, just kidding. Probably the sickest riding in a teaser since Travis Parker made the fingerbladeing movie. I mean bs 1 to swbs 3 out on a big doublekink.. WTF.. Not a big fan of all the slomo, feels kinda Da vinci code-ish, but this looks fuckin awesome anyways.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Short reminder... New Iggy Pop album out now
Iggy Pop just released his new album "Preliminaires". Haven´t heard any of the songs yet, and don´t really know what to expect. It´s supposed to be pretty mellow and jazzy and not like the older stuff at all. We´ll see.. Sounds like something for one of those days when you just wanna cruise around the park and do tricks that no one understands while chewing on yesterdays pocketburger or something. Well, download and see for yourself. But for now, here´s the classic "gimme danger" by Iggy and Stooges. Enjoy.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
"I feel funny.."
Everyone´s seen this, but it can be seen again. This is david 7 years old trippin after a date with his dentist, Dr. Drugdealer
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Here´s what you´re gonna do today
Today is sunny. So forget whatever you were supposed to do and go grab a beer and your TPP-sunblockers, sit outside your flat, on the pavement, the beach or wherever you live. Play some good old tunes, like "rebellion (lies)" with the arcade fire, or "I ran" with a flock of seagulls (or anything that makes you think of good old times). Then call up an old friend that you don´t get to see as much as you want and go get wasted together. That´s a perfect wednesday. You should do it everyday.
Friday, May 15, 2009
snowboarder in hard-boots doing a triple backflip 1983
so, this wicked cool french dude did a triple backflip like 25 years ago, in hard-boots, and was all like "ju suis en dentiste" and went back to his raclette-table like it was all nothing. How does that make you feel TRAVIS RICE?
a videopart i really like
really like this part, cos it makes me wanna shred and film n stuff.. the riding is really good and creative, and there´s some crap in it too which makes it not so pretto-fetto
Saturday, April 18, 2009
epic parkdays
Hello! the slow season continues in Breckenridge CO. The last few weeks we've hade some good photosessions, mixed with some of the best powder i've ever skiied in my life! All though i'm stooked on the skibum life the season is going towards the end. Many of our friends has allredy left and Breckenridge resort is closing tomorrow. This is when the true springriding begins here in Summitcounty. When Breck, keystone and every other resort closes, A-basin stays open to June.
This will be the time for us to promote our new sunglasses and just chill in the sun (fingers crossed). Well i'm gonna do what me and freddy always does when we're not skiing. Call of dudy 5 for our PS3 is running allmost 24/7.
These are some of the photos i shoot a few days back in brecks park....
one love!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Sweden 190SEK
Norway 190NOK
Europe 20EUR
Contact us at to get a pair before we're all out!!!
Sweden 190SEK
Norway 190NOK
Europe 20EUR
Contact us at to get a pair before we're all out!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
chilled times in breck!

Hey everyone!
it's been a long time since we wrote something on the blogg now! i't has been some wierd times over her since we last reported something. since I hade knee surgery in feb and Freddy fractured and compressed his back two weeks ago things have been kinda slow and down! The good news right now is that Freddy is geting more mobile, and i'm back 100% on my skiis (peppar peppar).
For the last couple of days it's been dumping over us, and we've gotten around 15" of snow! it's well needed since we've hade spring weahter for several weeks! tomorrow the crew is heading over to Vail to ripp some sick pillow and clifflines! (whis u could be with us Freddy, we miss u on the mountain)
the best thing that has happens besides the snow is that the first TPP merchendise was borne a week ago! behold the TPP sunglasses! Their going to print soon, and then their up for sale!
see you soon! one love!
Monday, March 2, 2009
It was a perfect day! Sunny, kinda cold (vikings like cold) and absolutely shredilicous!
Sacke Majander won the grand prize as "ripper of the day" for doing every combo known to mankind (and a few only known by outer-space-people) on the down-flat-downbox. Ronny from Uppsala won "best trick", and Linus from Gävle won "most creative rider" (a hotdog with extra mustard) for dropping in to late and throwing his best tricks after the comp ended (very emo).
Everyone were winners on a day like that though, and I would say that the ever so important "smile to curse"-ratio was well above avarage!! So once again, THANK YOU for having so much fun, and see you again this spring when we will have the next event.
Rasmus and Rob with the hippest trick right now "backside air-guitar"
Linus from Gävle nollie frontflip on the barrell
The crowd looking all "aaaaahh"
Rob Sandgren bs air
Love hurts
Frasmus frontboard
Daniel "Zäta" Zettervall nosepress bs revert
Rob 5-0 fs 3 out
Frasmus looking sober as always
Frasmus (being sober) with a bs nosepress
Tove Holmgren nosepressing trough the kink
Sacke 270
Also a big THANK YOU to Jägermeister, Sibylla, Red Bull and Uppsalaekonomerna for making this happen!
Monday, February 9, 2009
RAILJAM i Uppsala!

Okej, här e grejen..
På lördag kör Uppsalaekonomerna pulka-VM (ja, det är sant) tillsammans med Red Bull, Jägermeister och Sibylla i Slottsbacken mitt i Uppsala (5 min promenad från tåget). Då passar vi samtidigt på att utnyttja snömängden, gratiskorvarna och DJ:n till att slänga ihop ett nice railjam!
Helt sjukt sköna priser kan tyvärr ej utlovas i dagsläget (om man vinner US-open får man ju typ två bilar och en paradis-ö), men vi ska göra så gott vi kan..
Anmälan sker på plats och är gratis, du som är under 18 år måste dock ha målsmans underskrift.
Det börjar kl. 10.00 och håller på tills vi tröttnar.
Setupen blir (åtminstone) en down-flat-downbox och ett litet downräcke, men vi rapporterar om mer saker dyker upp.
Sprid nu detta så ses vi på lördag!
Fred och Kärlek
Thursday, January 22, 2009
When Scott first came with the idea of going with his roommate to shoot his guns I wasn't overly stoked but what the fark, you only live once ay. Putting all prejudism, moral and ethics aside..we were like kids on christmas infront of the christmastree haha
After a briefing in security and other technicalities from ShotgunPhil, the gunowner, we warmed up by shooting some rounds with the handgun.
Pär who's been holding the camera shakes his head, puts the camera aside and picks up a pink "carebear" walks out to the middle of the range. Picks up a few sticks that he jams into the head of the bear to make it easier to shot off and walks back to us guys. He loads the shotgun, now with the same ammo used by the honest and brave cops in the land of the free.
The results are scary
Knowing that the cops are not only driving around with neet little microchips incerted here and there under their skin but with shotguns makes us all sleep well at night...
Enough about guns ay.. If any of you have any questions about firearms in general don't hesitate to contact us, as we now consider ourself experts on the subject.
From landfills to parks in the hills...
We've had three perfect days in the row in the park, Scott has started hitting kickers again, Rory is throwing back 5's like nothing..I'm telling you, it's hot out there right meow! haha
Pär has been out with us spreading the love through the camera together with Dannieboy.
I'll post some of the pictures here for ya all to see
Freddie Fs360
To the left Dannieboy and on the right Rory
Freddie Cab720
Isac through trees
Scotty Fs Rodeo720
Scotty Fs720
Freddie Cab720
Scotty FsRodeo720
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