Tuesday, February 23, 2010

big up's to Niklas Jonsson

This man has earned it! he's a TPP team rider, even though he's not shredding on snow, when he's in his element this cool 18 year old took a 7:th place at the european championships in unicykle trial. If that result and sport aint rad i don't know what is! Big up's to you Niklas and we're looking forward to see you on the swedish TV show Talang! To keep yourself up to date on Niklas's adventures visit www.niklasone.se And to get some real action check out the video below...

keep on rockin in whats left of the free world!

Much love TPP

Niklas clip from 2009 from Niklas Jonsson on Vimeo.

1 comment:


yeah man! keep on shreddin' Niklas!

och förresten, har du någon lila TPP-båge hemma? som jag kan få eller få köpa?