Friday, December 26, 2008

Crazy christmas!

Hey you!
sitting in cali and looking at the bluebird sky that is above me! it's really beautiful out here! i know havent wrtitten to you guys in a while but the holidays have been crazy busy! i came down to cali in monday afternoon! my flight wa late and the swervice staff was for some reason fucking up their jobs! No one knew what was going on, even getting a burger at Mc Donalds was a misson impossible!

Well well, sitting in Jenns car driving out to her sisters house in OC feelt good! on arrival we went for a big sushi dinner. Jenns mom hade her birthday in the 22:nd and we stufed our faces full of sushi! and i can tell you it was something else!

On tuseday we took the loongboard, our cameras and drove to laguna beach! we walk around in funky hippiestores, chilled on the beach and toped that day of with lunch and a cold one in the sun! it was awsome!

On christmasday we went over to jenns moms house and hade a bigass dinner! turkey, roast mashies and shitloads of wine! Since amerikans celebrate christmas on the 25th we went over to Tony's (Jenns dad) and hade a loong day with presentsopening, more food and wine and later that night the christmasdinner. i have never eaten so much turkey in my life like i have the last 2 days!

today we're chillin. Freddy is packing his back. We're gonna leave for Vegas and Breck tomorrow. Later today we're going back to Laguna beach for lunch! that place is def one of my top favourite places on the planet so far!

If you wanna see pics form this tripp i'm gonna keep you on hold for a few more days! i foregot the cord fpr the camera in breck so i'll put on oics on monday or tuseday!

Remember to keep the world free of oppression!

Peace and love

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