Saturday, December 20, 2008


Tonight, december 20th 2008. We (Pär and Rory) are, well... on our way to intoxication.
This last week was pretty sweet to be very honest. Did some shralping in keystone, had a whole bunch of snow and had some gnarcookies for breakfast.

I know there has been some radiosilence the last week, but we're geting on the ball again! (thanks fpr the reminder toebbe!) Since last time we reported from the imaginaryland that is breckenridge a bunch of things have happened! and with a beer in my hand i'll tell you the story!

as said before we've hade a ton of snow! vail got 46 inches or 117 cm of snow the last 6 days! And there has been some gnarly shredding and some unfortunate accidents. Vail hade inbounds slides, Keystone some really unfortunet accidents R.I.P!

i've been shredding shredding alot and i'm getting my sw steez on! sometimes there's thing you can't predict though! if a girl is lying in the landing where you are supposed to tuch down what do you do? well..... you get wrecked! my thumb and my knee have been f*cked the last week! i'm ot worried though, just some sprained joints! i have been skiing every day after and i've been enjoying it allthough i havent been able to shredd my gnarsticks as i have wanted to!

yesterday me and jesse went to Vail again. there was a shit ton of snow, and i was on 190 long and 140 wide fat twins! it was god darn god experiance!! as we say, snowboarders think they surf in pow, well i say go surf then! skiers fucking fly! (rory says) go fly a f*cking kite your frootbooting bastards)

today i was officaly coaching the freestyleteam, I hade a mad fun time! those kids are tearing the mountain to pieces! at 3 a clock, we dicided to drop a line thats usally tracked but, today this cold december day, we hade some steep and deep freschies down the doors! I had a mind orgasme and it was beautiful! ballsdeep fluffgnar, and big grin's all around!

Holy balls, this is turning out to be a flippin' drag of a post. Any ways, to keep it short.... hehe
It was killer, it was wicked, it was simply an other week in paradise. Lets pray to the snow gods (or what ever higher being you believe in) for more of this wonderfull white awsomeness.
We shall be resuming our quest for intoxication right now.
peace to all and have a great.... night? or day or what ever part of the world you are at right now.
Winter is here and i like it...!

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