When Scott first came with the idea of going with his roommate to shoot his guns I wasn't overly stoked but what the fark, you only live once ay. Putting all prejudism, moral and ethics aside..we were like kids on christmas infront of the christmastree haha
After a briefing in security and other technicalities from ShotgunPhil, the gunowner, we warmed up by shooting some rounds with the handgun.
Pär who's been holding the camera shakes his head, puts the camera aside and picks up a pink "carebear" walks out to the middle of the range. Picks up a few sticks that he jams into the head of the bear to make it easier to shot off and walks back to us guys. He loads the shotgun, now with the same ammo used by the honest and brave cops in the land of the free.
The results are scary
Knowing that the cops are not only driving around with neet little microchips incerted here and there under their skin but with shotguns makes us all sleep well at night...
Enough about guns ay.. If any of you have any questions about firearms in general don't hesitate to contact us, as we now consider ourself experts on the subject.
From landfills to parks in the hills...
We've had three perfect days in the row in the park, Scott has started hitting kickers again, Rory is throwing back 5's like nothing..I'm telling you, it's hot out there right meow! haha
Pär has been out with us spreading the love through the camera together with Dannieboy.
I'll post some of the pictures here for ya all to see
Freddie Fs360
To the left Dannieboy and on the right Rory
Freddie Cab720
Isac through trees
Scotty Fs Rodeo720
Scotty Fs720
Freddie Cab720
Scotty FsRodeo720