Here are some photos of the last happenings in Breck. Got some photos from the epic day in Vail and some photos of the pirate roadtripday we just had down to denver. Pär decided to down a liter of Captain Morgan in a way that would make you proud Rob! About 20 minutes outside of Denver we had to make an emergency man break. It was the Burmuda Triangle of piss streams on the all three sides. Seeing a car flying down the dirt road Pär immediatly busts out the fake sightseeing moves as not to look as if he was peeing while Fredrik on the other side of the road had the good ole' American hats off from the man driving the car. Freddy being the charming prince that he is proceeded to give a hats off back. Well, to make the story that much better after telling the hats off story to Pär, Pär then in full pirate mode told the same story about 10 seconds later simply saying that it happened to him. He was so shit faced he took one story and made it his own!!??!! Haha good shit! About 15 minutes after that, with a bum knee, a heart full of anger, and a belly full of rum Pär declared Swedish medicine unworthy of treating his knee and proposing cracksmokin as a much better alternative.
Pär got into shoppingmode as we entered the shopingmall.
So after walkin straight into Urban outfitters and start of by hitting on one of the shopassistants by taking her on a stroll around the store for 5 min, he went and bought a cardigan, a doublepack of socks and a pair of sunglasses with a horse on. (Only to return the cardigan after sobering up and not remember buying anything or leaving breckenrindge in the morning)
I myself thought I' d cease the moment and buy one of those adapters to my macbook since I've been wanting one for a long time. I therefore kindly asked Pär if he had the cable with him to the states and he assured me that so was the case. Then he walked over to one of the shopassistants and explained to him that our tv is shit and rum is good and some other shananigans...
We lost Jenn 5 min after walkin into the mall so spent probably 20min on finding her, always keeping one eye on Pär making sure he wouldn't run away. Later when I was trying to find a cologne Pär peaked his shoppingspree with buying himself a new cologne.
I, on the other hand, bought a cologne sat down in the store and left the bag with the cologne on the sofa. I didn't realize I had lost the bag until 2-3 hours later..and luckily after retracing my steps around the mall for about 20 min I found it in the lost and found in the store i bought them. By the time we walked into Zumies for the second time Pär was already famous and was knowned as the crippled pirate..
On the way home we stopped at a snowboard store and when we walked back out to the car Jenn
saw my Oakley frogskins on the roof of the car. Where I just so happened to have put them 5 hours earlier when we first parked the car at the mall. A pretty lucky day for some of us ay..
enjoy the pics folks!
Ps. We couldn't watch movies from our mac on the tv. Apparently Pär's imaginary cables never existed or they're at home in Sweden.
If half of this story is true I would still sit her and laugh my pants off.... Pär keep the good mood. Dont want ya go to deep cause of the injury :P
Btw... dont see any pics?!
Fantastiskt. Helt enkelt fantastiskt att ni hedrar piratkulturen på detta eftersträvansvärda sätt. Christer Pettersson skulle vara stolt!
Hahaha, era sjuka jävlar. Ni är roliga
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