HA HA, you piratepeople are just amazing, so proud of you! All the love to you! Anyone who haven´t read the last post.. DO IT! Promised you before to update with some of the shots from a ledge that me and Rasmus shot with my brother Micke. Sooooo.....
Rob warming up with some diving moves

Rob 50-50 gap out

Will put Rasmus shots here aswell as soon as I´ve asked him and his extrem (ha ha, get it..?) schponsors.
fred o kärlek, blommor o bin
nice man!
Men Robe för i helvete, det där ser fan farligt ut, chill baby chill!
Hur'e läget annars?, miss you at strand, (jag vet, jag kommer antagligen att jobba där tills min pension). Men det går faktiskt bra på jobbet.
Vi får ta o ses snart!
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