Friday, January 9, 2009

hmmmm, shit loads of snow!

Hey hey!

It's been a while, and alot has happend since last time! New years and christmas was really good! The start of 09 has been fantastic! The norwegian snowgood Ullr was celebrated this week and he blessed us with a strom that pounded us with snow earlier this week!

stooked on shredding we made plans to go to Vail and ride some epic pow! it's been a few freeking coold days this week but yesterday the clouds vanished and I, Freddie, Phil and Rory roled against Vail. The snowreport said 15 inches, and reallife said nippledeep pow pow!

We went over to the back bowls and dropped in to partly tracked powfields. With the sun shining and the faceshots fresh on our faces this morning made promises of a perfect day! After the pocketsandwich ( prefrebly to larg slides of toast, 2 fried egs, ham, creamcheese, cheddarchees, hotsauce, salt and pepper) we hiked in to the backcountry. We dropped in to some terrain we never skied before and even finding words for how fucking good that spoot was is hard. Mixed openfields with drops, pillows and loggrides and the fact that the powder reached over ur waists made it epic!

Satisfied over the sweet snow and the fact we were shredding with ninjaskills today! we're rolling back to breck. We ended up chilling on the sofa the rest of the night and i fell asleep watching Family guy....

I have some bad news aswell, i have probably torn my meniscus and i need an MRI (magnetröntgen). the MRI will decide if i need an operation. Hopfully thats not the case, and hey atleast i'm noot the guy hanging naked from the bluesky baisin chairlift in Vail!

Fred och Kärlek till alla


1 comment:

Tiny Penis Productions said...

damn kompis.. meniskpaj? shit va trist.. håller tummarn för dig att det är chill. Men även om den är paj så är det ingen stor operation, det tar typ två veckor att bli återställd efter. Hör av dig när du vet mer.

Fred Och Kärlek! Robban